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Tear Trough Fillers London.


Here at the London Lip Clinic, we are proud to be able to offer tear trough dermal filler treatment to our clients who have prominent eye bags. Tear trough filler are used to tackle the problem of having tired looking eyes. Having under-eye filler is an increasingly popular way to overcome issues with bags under the eyes and dark circles around the eyes ( dark shadows & hollow areas ).

With under-eye filler, a gel-like substance containing Hyaluronic Acid is carefully injected into the problem areas surrounding the eyes. This acts to replace the volume lost as part of the ageing process. The other results of this tear trough rejuvenation treatment are; a reduction in deep lines and wrinkles, smoother skin, and a younger and youthful appearance around the eye bags. Hence tear trough treatment dermal fillers is an injectable treatment.

This non-surgical procedure offers a cosmetic solution for individuals who want to get rid of their dark circles and under-eye bags. The tear trough filler london treatment is also used for adding volume to other facial areas, such as the naso-labial folds, marionette lines, cheeks, brows, and lips. This creates an overall younger appearance in the face. When you come for your free consultation appointment at our London clinic, we can discuss the options open to you with dermal filler treatment. You may decide to have fillers in other areas of the face as well as under the eyes.


Tear troughs, can be brought on by ageing as the collagen production slows down and the skin thins and sags. This creates small fat pouches under the eye and casts a shadow across the area. They can also be genetic, appearing from a young age and becoming more severe as you get older.


  • Topical numbing cream like Emla is applied to the under-eye region.
  • A single entry point is punctured with a needle under the eye area. The cannula proceeds from this entry point towards the tear trough area.
  • There is minimal discomfort during the procedure.
  • The effect will be seen immediately after the treatment but you should wait two or three weeks to see the final result after the tear trough filler treatment.


We use a licensed filler called Redensity 2 for under eye rejuvenation. REDENSITY 2 is the first and only hyaluronic acid injectable specifically formulated for the delicate under eye area. This innovative treatment is a combination of cross-linked and non-cross-linked HA of non-animal origin that together smooth and fill under eye hollows and tear troughs.

Appointments available online at our Harley Street location via our booking page.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Tear Trough Fillers?


Appearance of Dark circles and bags under the eye are effectively treated with tear trough fillers. With age, the tear trough area of the face becomes more pronounced. This change in the way we look leaves us tired appearance and looking exhausted. The under-eye hollowing that happens as part of the ageing process typically exposes bags under the eyes making the problem worse. Under-eye filler ( dermal filler ) provides the ideal solution by correcting facial contouring without surgery. These days, there is no need to go under the knife in order to look younger.

The areas between your lower eyelids and the upper parts of your cheeks are known as the tear troughs. This area is often the first to start showing the signs of ageing in the face. Eye bags appear here first. Some people find that this area starts to become hollow during their adolescent years. With age, the area becomes even more hollow and darker and deeper in appearance. This area is completely revitalised with tear trough fillers.

What causes dark circles, eye bags, hollowed and sunken eyes?


Dark eye bags, sunken eyes and hollows are often associated with detrimental lifestyle traits ( including late nights ), from rising stress levels and poor nutrition to physical exhaustion and genetics also plays a big role.

How Does Under-Eye Filler Work?


With age, the Hyaluronic Acid in the skin becomes depleted, and the effect of this is seen in dark circles and eye bags under the eyes. It’s important to note that even young people can suffer with this problem due to genetics or the shape of the face. Under-eye dermal filler work by putting the Hyaluronic Acid back into the places where it’s needed. The filler is able to pull water which gives a plumping effect to the area that was treated, and the results are completely natural looking.

Hyaluronic Acid is known to plump the treated tear trough area instantly, making the skin glow. This sugar is found as naturally occurring in the skin. It retains water to help keep the skin plump and hydrated. Hyaluronic Acid in the body is able to hold a thousand times its weight in water. It not only retains water but also stops the moisture from our bodies from simply evaporating.

Injectable Hyaluronic Acid ( dermal filler ) treatments JUVÉDERM and Teoxane Redensity 2 are used to target dark circles and eye bags under the eyes. These dermal filler treatments are able to plump the sunken areas, smooth fine lines, and decrease the shadows. They add volume to the skin’s dermal layer with just a few pricks of a needle. Then the soft dermal fillers dissolves slowly over about 12 months when you will need to have re-treatment. Majority of the time one has to have the upper cheeks injected as well because over time we suffer from volume loss in the area. This results in loss of volume just under the trough.

The Benefits of Treatment with Tear Trough Fillers


Tear trough enhancement have a number of benefits. The main benefit is looking younger and less tired. Results with this treatment are fast and effective. The tear trough procedure is relatively comfortable when a numbing agent is used beforehand. In the majority of people, this treatment is completely safe. The Hyaluronic Acid dermal filler used in the procedure occurs naturally in the body. With treatment for tear troughs, the results last for a long time.

Tear trough filler are of most benefit when there are dark circles or eye bags under the eyes. With tear trough fillers, the results are long-lasting; however, the treatment won’t provide a permanent solution. The reason for this is that the filler will eventually break down. To maintain the results, you are advised to come back to the clinic for repeat fillers to get the full benefits from this treatment.

Typically, clients will visit us here at the London Lip Clinic once every 1to 2 years for tear trough filler treatment. However, it’s well worth noting that some individuals manage to retain their fillers for much longer than this. The results will vary between individuals as there are certain factors which make the fillers break down more quickly. It’s a good idea to make an appointment for a check-up every 12 months so that we can monitor your progress as the years go by. This ensures that you reap the full benefits of the treatment.

A number of factors can cause the dermal filler to break down more quickly. These factors are to do with your lifestyle and habits. Factors which cause tear trough fillers to break down more quickly include; smoking, little or no exercise, and a poor diet. Therefore, for the best results, it’s essential to stay fit and healthy by looking after your body in the best way possible. To get the full benefits of tear trough fillers you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As well as treating tear troughs, filler can also be used to treat hollowing in the upper eyelids. This can occur as part of the ageing process, or it can happen after having surgery. This application for fillers is highly specialised, and gives the most beautiful results.

Pre-Appointment Care for Tear Trough Fillers

Before your treatment with tear trough filler you’ll have a free in depth consultation and treatment overview here at the London Lip Clinic in Harley Street. This gives us the opportunity to review your medical history and conduct an examination of the area causing concern. We will discuss your objectives and any benefits and risks involved. This will enable you to make an informed decision about your treatment. If you decide to go ahead with the treatment after the thorough consultation, you can then make an appointment to have tear trough fillers administered.

It’s recommended to avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment. Aspirin should be avoided for a week before the treatment. You’ll also need to avoid taking any anti inflammatories like Ibuprofen for 48 hours before your visit.

As do not have dermal filler at the same time as laser hair removal.

The Process of Tear Trough Filler Treatment

Tear trough filler treatment offers a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure for dark circles and eye bags under the eyes. The actual process of having the treatment performed is extremely straightforward. The treatment time is minimal. Firstly, the area is fully cleansed and numbed with a topical anaesthetic. Next, the treatment area is injected using a cannula with the Hyaluronic Acid gel like Teoxane Redensity 2. The filler acts in boosting natural Collagen production and replaces lost volume around the eyes.  As well as all this, Hyaluronic Acid injectable gel causes the deep hydration that is so needed with ageing skin. It plumps the treated area as it softens and rejuvenates, creating a younger appearance.

Treatment to tear trough takes about half an hour to complete. However, many people opt to have other treatments with their filler at the same time. Extremely popular choices include the mid face lift and the brow lift. If you decide to have other treatments with filler, we can discuss your options with your at your free consultation here at the London Lip Clinic. This way, we can tailor your treatment plan to suit your individual needs.

There are two approaches to administering the tear trough injections in peri orbital area. Some aesthetic doctors will use a tiny fine needle and others prefer to work with a cannula. We generally prefer the cannula method as it’s a safer technique with minimal discomfort and gives you the best possible results. A cannula works as a dull straw and the needle is able to pass through the blood vessels. The benefit of using the cannula is that it only takes one poke to administer the treatment. This is ideal when you want to keep swelling and bruising to a minimum.

The most important thing about getting tear trough dermal fillers is to go to an experienced doctor or trained medical professional like Rupesh. You need treatment from someone who understands the anatomy of the areas surrounding your eyes. When treatment is complete, the results are instantly visible. Over the next 14 days, the best possible results can be seen.

Tear Trough Recovery & Aftercare


With this procedure, recovery time is minimal and the results are immediately visible. You’ll be able to resume your usual activities straight after your treatment with under-eye tear trough filler. Most people find that they are able to go straight back to work after having the procedure. For the first couple of days post-treatment there may be some very slight bruising or swelling in the treated area.

In order to keep any swelling to a minimum, consider applying a cold compress to your eyes at 3 hour intervals. This will gently soothe the tear trough eye area of your face. On the first night after your treatment with under-eye filler , apply some Arnica cream to the area before you go to bed. This will help to reduce any of the mild bruising while you sleep.

You will need to avoid touching the treated area for 6 hours after your treatment. Once this time has elapsed, you can wash with soap and water. Avoid rubbing the area, instead, dab it gently as you cleanse it. It’s recommended to avoid using makeup and skincare products for 4 hours after being treated with tear trough fillers.

You are also advised to avoid working out for at least five days and consuming alcohol for the first 2 days after treatment. You’ll need to avoid sources of extreme heat and stay out of the sun or the extreme cold for 14 days.

Side-Effects of Tear Trough Filler Treatment

The important thing to consider with tear trough filler treatment is that the eye area is very delicate. There are many blood vessels in this part of the face. This means that this area is prone to bruising which is the most common side-effect associated with undergoing the procedure. There is also likely to be some swelling in the area once the treatment is complete. These symptoms will clear up over the next 7 days.

When tear trough aren’t injected as they should be, this can cause the skin to take on a light blue colouring. This is the reason you need to see an expert to make sure that the injections are properly applied. If you have this experience, the good news is that it can be successfully treated.

An injection of hyaluronidase in the problem area will break down the wrongly injected filler, returning the skin around the eyes to its normal colouring. Another issue with wrongly injected fillers is the development of nodules. These can also be treated successfully with the hyaluronidase enzyme. If you want to get rid of your under-eye filler, we can simply remove them using hyaluronidase enzyme.

A very rare and serious complication of having tear trough filler injected happens when the filler is injected into a blood vessel. This causes the blood vessel to become blocked and may cause blindness. For this reason, you need to see an expert in order to avoid complications such as this occurring.

Common Patient Concerns


It must be said that any risks or complications associated with tear trough filler are extremely rare when you are in the right hands. Typically, the only associated side-effects with this procedure are slight bruising or swelling in the treated area. These side-effects of tear trough are very mild and soon pass. In the majority of cases, tear trough filler treatment is extremely well tolerated. In a very small percentage of cases, the filler is not tolerated and this causes complications which need further treatment.

As long as you get tear trough treatment from a medical practitioner in a medical environment with the right experience, you’ll be in safe hands. The experienced specialist can discuss all the potential risks and benefits at your free consultation here at the London Lip Clinic. Those who are pregnant or breast feeding are not suitable candidates for tear trough fillers. If you have allergies or are hypersensitive to fillers you won’t be able to have the treatment.

If you have any further questions about tear trough and eye bags we will be happy to answer your queries. We are know for the best tear trough treatments in London. This non surgical treatment will give you back your youthful look with zero side effects. Come and see us for a free consultation at our Harley Street skin clinic to find out what type of treatment will help you to attain your beauty goals. A younger, more beautiful appearance awaits.

How much does tear trough filler cost?

Tear Trough treatments quickly and effectively restore lost volume & reduces dark circles with dermal filler. The full price list for our Tear Trough filler treatment can be found on our Prices page.

Tear Trough Fillers at London Lip Clinic

London Lip Clinic is the leading specialist in treating Tear Trough and Dark Circles. We have a range of treatments available including dermal filler, sunekos, chemical peels and injections. Our experienced team are here to help you achieve your desired results. Tear trough treatment is available at the London Lip Clinic. Call 0203 239 7041 for free consultation!

London Lip Clinic

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If you’re looking for the best lip fillers in London, then contact the London Lip Clinic today for your FREE consultation and find out how Rupesh can give you the naturally plump, defined lips you’ve always dreamed of.



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London W1G 9QY

Phone number: 07956 576666


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